Equity in Action
Unlock the tools and strategies to advance health equity within your organization with Equity in Action, a dynamic and interactive eLearning course designed for leaders, practitioners, and teams committed to making meaningful change. Equity in Action provides the tools you need to make equity a cornerstone of your mission.
Launch Offer: Early bird pricing through March 1st!
Built by Healthcare Professionals for Healthcare Professionals
We took the time to recruit various voices across healthcare for input on this course. We included healthcare administrators, nurses, doctors, psychologists, academia, and others. Then, we enlisted an instructional designer with vast experience building training for healthcare workers.
Asynchronous & Self Paced
We must balance providing training opportunities to our workforce and meeting member needs. This training allows participants to take it where they are, when they want, and on what device they choose. Just as we meet members where they are, we do the same for our participants.

Interactive and Engaging
Let's face it: we've all taken the training where someone is just talking AT us. This isn't that training. We utilized evidence-based learning principles to meet various learning styles while keeping you engaged to the very end.
Commitment to Continued Learning
Our course is infused with cultural humility from beginning to end. It is available as 5 separate courses or a learning plan. Recognizing that these are complex topics we prepare participants with foundational knowledge for continued conversations and learning.